Wednesday, March 12, 2014

New Name...New View...New Outlook

I'm back! Yeah, I've been quiet for a while. NaNoWriMo came and went, and I successfully finished the first draft of my FIRST FICTION NOVEL!! I'm a little excited.

The holidays hit, and then January sent Indiana into a whirlwind of horrible weather. Actually, that's what I kept hearing. What I felt like I was experiencing was an Indiana winter from my childhood...only a little colder than I remember. Seriously, I don't remember having that many days under 0 degrees F.

I've also done some thinking on my diet. I totally blew the Paleo thing over the holidays and never completely jumped back on the bandwagon, so to speak. While Paleo does give me a decent blueprint for dealing with some of my allergies, I have a hard time with the whole "no grain...EVER" thing.

I kinda miss rice.

And Kroger has some really good gluten free frozen waffles.

And Udi makes really good gluten free bread (better than I ever came up with, anyway), pizza crust, and blueberry muffins (though I was less than impressed with the cinammon rolls).

My doctor had said that I could incorporate gluten free grains back into my diet in small amounts...and preferably as whole grains. While I still don't eat a lot of grains...and most of my baking still only involves using almond and coconut flour...I just don't feel like I'm..."religious,"...or even dedicated enough to call myself Paleo or Primal.

But I am a totally a Hoosier (whether I like it or not). And I still love food!

And I've had some amazing food (non-Paleo) that I really want to talk about, and I want to do it guilt-free. Because I'm tired of feeling guilty about eating. And I'm tired of being labeled for what I eat.